The Turkish Cultural Foundation has awarded 19 fellowships under its Cultural Exchange Fellowship Program. This new TCF Fellowship Program was launched in 2012 to encourage cultural and artistic exchanges between Turkey and the world by supporting artists and art/culture professionals. The Fellowship has been awarded to 112 individuals from Turkey and all over the world to date.
2012 Fellows
Roberley Bell, a sculptor and Professor at the College of Imaging Arts & Sciences at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), exhibited at the 7th edition of the Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair, Turkey. |
Judith Dennis, a film director, screened her collection of short films "THE DANCER FILMS" at the Flying Broom International Women's Film Festival in Ankara, Turkey. |
Dr. Utku Dervent, an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Fine Art of Istanbul Aydin University, participated in an international artists' and writers' residency program at the Vermont Studio Center, USA. |
Nazlıhan Eda Erçin, a creative drama and performance teacher at Eskisehir Gelisim College, participated in the Double Edge Theatre's Summer Intensive Program, in Shield, USA. |
Cemil Batur Gökçeer, an independent photographer, attended the 2012/2013 Reflections Master Class International Seminar in Venice, Italy, jointly organized by Ca' Foscari University and Pinault Foundation. |
Gonca Gümüşayak, an MA student in Modern Dance at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, particpated in the danceWEB Europe Scholarship Residency Program for Contemporary Dance and Performance during the Vienna International Dance Festival, Austria. |
Hallgerdur Hallgrimsdottir, a photographer, journalists and educator, participated in a photography project in Turkey as part of the "Visual Narratives: European borderlines." |
Dr. Selin İpek, an art historian at the Topkapi Palace Museum, presented a paper on "Ottoman Fabrics of 18th and 19th centuries" at the 13th Biennial Symposium of the Textile Society of America, in Washington D.C., USA. |
Dr. İlkay Kanık, food writer and lecturer at Marmara University, presented a paper on "Food, Memory and Cultural Heritage: The Case of YESAM (The Culinary Arts Center)" at the "Global Gateways and Local Connections: Cities, Agriculture, and the Future of Food Systems" conference organized by New York University and The New School, USA. |
Berna Kurt Kemaloğlu, a folk dancer performer and a Ph. D. candidate in Traditional Culture, Performing Arts, and Social Sciences at Yildiz Technical University, presented a paper on "How is dance transformed as it moves from place to place?" at the 27th Symposium of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Study Group on Ethnochoreology at the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance. |
Tuba Kurtuluş, a curator at the Topkapi Palace Museum, presented a paper on "A Group of Heated Stamp Designed Textiles in the Topkapi Palace Museum" at the 13th Biennial Symposium Textile Society of America, in Washington D.C., USA. |
Dr. Drake Mabry, a painter and musician, studied ebru painting and ney flute with ebru artist Ayla Makas and neyzen Burcu Karadag in Istanbul. |
Margaret Mahan, a paper artist and co-director of Peace Paper visited Istanbul to organize workshops on hand paper making to students at Darussafaka High School in a collaborative project with Marmara University, the Kagithane Municipality and Turkish artists. |
Lucy K. Mensah, a Ph.D. candidate in English at Vanderbilt University, particiapted in the Institute for World Literature, held at Bilgi University and organized by Harvard University's Comparative Literature Department, in Istanbul, Turkey. |
Ferit Odman, a jazz musician, performed in the showcase program at the "JazzNL Gateway to Global Jazz" in Amersfoort, Netherlands. |
Bjargey Olafsdottir, a photographer, participated in the "Visual Narratives: European borderlines" project, an international collaboration in photography. She also gave a presentation on Icelandic photography as part of the same project. |
Dr. Beata Biedronska-Slota, a curator at the Textile Department of the National Museum in Krakow, Poland conducted research on Ottoman textiles in Polish collections at the Topkapi Palace Museum and Sadberk Hanim Museum in Istanbul, Turkey. |
Füreya Ünal, a pianist as well as a member of faculty at California State University Fullerton and Santa Ana College, and the founder and co-artistic director of the Divan Consort, performed several concerts at universities in China. |
Elif Temuçin Uyanıksoy, playwright and co-founder of Theatre BeReZe, presented a play in the "New Visions, New Voices" project at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, USA. She represented Turkey at the International Network for Children's Theater Playwrights "Write Local, Play Global." |
2012 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellows - Experiences and Observations
2018 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellows
2017 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellows
2016 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellows
2015 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellows
2014 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellows
2013 TCF Cultural Exchange Fellows |